ISS VA Login Page
What is MES Portal Account?
A Medicaid Enterprise System (MES) portal account is gives the users Single Sign On (single user ID and password) capability to access various functions and modules of the MES.
How do I log into MES Web Portal and what is my User ID?
- The new MES Web Portal can be accessed through the following link:
- DMAS Employees will use their DMAS email address and password to login.
- MCOs, Providers and Trading Partners will use the credentials issued to them by DMAS or the application/module which was used for registration. In addition to login ID & password, users will be prompted to login with Multifactor Authentication (MFA) for additional security. Look for an email from: Donotreply@healthinteractive.net
I did not receive the User ID/Password email/MFA code on the email or the registered phone number
- Please check your Spam/Junk Folder for a system generated email with your User ID, temporary password, and One Time Passcode email. If the issue persists, please contact our helpdesk (see the "Contact Us" link).
- A valid mobile telephone number must already be part of your account information, in order to receive information via phone.
What is Multifactor Authentication (MFA)?
When non-DMAS users access the MES Secure portal, they are prompted to perform additional authentication to verify their identity. Users can select one of the below available options to proceed with MFA.
Based on the information (email and/or mobile number) available in your account, below MFA options will be displayed:
- Email: This option is available by default. After choosing this option, you will receive a One-time passcode via email. Once received, please enter this passcode in MES Secure portal and submit to verify your identity. Once verified successfully, you will be able to login to VA Menu page. If you have not received the email or not able to verify the passcode, you may be able to click on the "BACK" button to use the "Text Message" MFA option (see below).
- Text Message: This option is displayed when mobile number is present in your profile. After clicking on this button, you will receive a One-time passcode via text message on your mobile. Please enter this passcode in MES Secure portal and submit to verify your identity. Once verified successfully, you will be redirected to the portal menu page. If you have not received the passcode or not able to verify the passcode, you may be able to click on the "BACK" button to use the "Email" MFA option (see above).
How long is my MFA one-time passcode valid?
40 minutes.
How do I reset my Password (Non-DMAS Employees)?
Click on "Reset password" on MES Login page to initiate Password reset. You will be asked to enter your Email address and Captcha. On successful validation of your email address, a temporary password will be sent to your registered email address. While trying to access VA Medicaid URL with temporary password, you will be prompted to change password.
Note: Internal DMAS users will not use these password tools.
What are the password requirements for the MES Secure portal?
The portal password must be a minimum of 12 characters and must include at least one of the following:
- Capital/Upper case character
- Lower case character
- Number
- These special character ~!@$%^&*_+`|\[]:;'<>.?/
How do I change my phone number for Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)?
Please use the user profile maintenance guidelines provided by the application you are registered with.
Is my email ID used for any purpose beyond this system?
User's email addresses are not shared with any 3rd party agencies or entities. It is only used as a means of uniquely identifying MES Secure portal users and is used to communicate authentication related information. User information is stored within the MES Identity Credential and Access management system with strict access controls, limiting access to this information
Why has my account been locked and how do I unlock my account?
- To maintain security, MES user accounts will be locked after 3 Invalid Login attempts.
- If your account has been locked due to multiple invalid attempts, it will automatically be unlocked after 30 minutes.
Contact Us
- For general questions about the MES portal contact MES-Assist@dmas.virginia.gov
- For questions specific Appeals - AIMS portal, call 804-486-2865
- For Appeals business questions call the DMAS Appeals Division at 804-371-8488